You are a leader with a significant scope of responsibility.
You are involved in transformation and change inside your organization and you already a host of skills.
You are already successful in your work, and yet…there are those times when you just don’t know what to do.
When the approaches and skills that used to work aren’t having the same impact.
When the nature of the challenges you face are different than they used to be. More confounding. Less clear.
Some days you may even feel like you are in over your head.

If any of this resonates with you, it’s a good time to get Lyssa as your coach.
She routinely works with organizational and transformation leaders to help them make that next “shift up” in their leadership.

How does it work?

Lyssa will coach a leader one-on-one for six months.
In that time, the leader’s specific goals will be in hyper-focus.
Lyssa will custom-design a coaching program to advance these goals, delivered primarily through one-on-one coaching calls.
In each call, the leader will experience new ways of working with the confounding, complex challenges facing them today.
…New outer ways of working with these challenges, in the form of models and tools for seeing complex issues more holistically.
…And, new inner ways of working with these challenges, in the form of growing the leader’s meaning-making capacity and complexity of mind.

What are the benefits?

  • The leader moves toward their goals, and overcomes their challenges, while necessarily increasing their inner and outer ability to deal with complexity.
  • The leader has a greater impact and gets more of what they want for themselves and their organization.
  • The leader becomes an example of how to thrive in complexity which increases their ability to grow this same capacity in their organization.

What is the investment?

The base price for six months is $15,000 which includes:

  • The Discovery and Program Design process, resulting in clear business inner and outer goals
  • Learning session to impart the main models and thinking tools used by the leader and Lyssa in assessing the leader’s complex challenges
  • The Leadership Circle Profile™ or Personal Agility System, based on the leader’s needs and direct experience with Agile
  • Two coaching sessions a month in which the leader’s specific current problems and goals are worked
  • Fieldwork, chosen by the leader, to be completed between calls
  • Access to Lyssa as an accountability partner between calls

Based on the leader’s needs, Lyssa may offer options at an additional cost such as: on-site observation, consulting on growing the organization’s Agile Coaching capability, executive team coaching or facilitation, org culture shift, strategy development, group coaching for conflict/alignment issues the leader is experiencing, or facilitation for resolving intractable problems.

What do Lyssa’s clients say?

Clients tell Lyssa that the cost is a serious investment and they also say that it is worth it.

(We understand this price point is not do-able for everyone. If that’s the case, Lyssa will gladly recommend coaches she believes would also serve you well.)

Here’s what her clients say:

Leader testimonial
Leader testimonial

How do we start?

<Claire — I think this (below) is all good text for the PDF. For the website, should we do the “register your interest” contact form?>

If this all sounds exciting and the investment is possible, then meet with Lyssa to check the chemistry. It’s a free session for you to get your questions answered, to see what it would be like to be coached by Lyssa and for both of you to really assess if working with Lyssa would serve you. If you want to schedule that, then find 30 minutes that works for you:

Lyssa Adkins

Lyssa Adkins is an internationally-recognized thought leader in Agile coaching. She is deeply trained and experienced  in human systems coaching and facilitation. She is a certified practitioner in The Leadership Circle Profile and an ambassador for the Personal Agility System. Her current focus is improving the performance of leaders and top leadership teams in organizations using Agile, because an Agile environment demands something different, new, and challenging from its leaders.